People // Joris Gjata
Praxis Fellow, 2014–2015

With Albanian nationality, a major in International Relations and minor in International Economics from the Middle East Technical University (METU) in Turkey, an MSc in International Political Economy from London School of Economics (LSE) in the UK, an academic Turkish husband, two domestic shorthair US cats and two origin-not-known parakeets, I am on the path towards completing my PhD in Sociology at UVA with a dissertation on the emergence of new forms of regulation. Similar to my background, my interests are also diverse and multifaceted: innovation, organizations, the social construction of the economic, and globalization. However, the search for sustainable modes of productive order and chaos underlies all these research interests. I believe in interdisciplinary work and multicultural conversations. I love appreciating art, good food, new cultures, and learning foreign languages (I have good knowledge of English, Turkish, Italian, French, and basic knowledge of Greek, German, Spanish and Russian). But above all, I think there is nothing more relaxing than walking and observing the living nature (especially flowers and birds).