Scholars' Lab Blog //Web Development Template: Rails 3.1, HTML 5 Boilerplate,
Blog //Web Development Template: Rails 3.1, HTML 5 Boilerplate,

One of the best things about web development is that there are so many tools around to make the job easier.

One of the worst things about web development is that there are so many tools around, and they just don’t play well together.

Often, they’re not fighting publicly. Instead, they’re digging at each other passive-aggressively and making everyone’s life slightly unpleasant.

I’ve taken three of these tools and put them together in a directory and tried to smooth things over:

  • Ruby on Rails 3.1, a framework for developing web applications in Ruby;

  • Some useful Ruby Gems;

  • HTML5 Boilerplate, a template for creating web pages using the latest technologies and best practices; and

  • 960 Grid System, a set of CSS rules for laying out content on web pages in columns.

Putting these together isn’t difficult, and it’s not really a lot of work. But now you don’t have to do any of that. You can just clone the template from GitHub and start building things:

For more details on how to use this, see the README file.

Cite this post: Eric Rochester. “Web Development Template: Rails 3.1, HTML 5 Boilerplate,”. Published August 10, 2011. Accessed on .